Nov 15, 2009
Nov 9, 2009
Nov 5, 2009
Oct 29, 2009
Big news.

The end.
P.S. The fucking squirrels ate my motherfucking pumpkins that I put on the front porch. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?! It's official, I need a fucking BB gun...
Reborn as Porn
I imagine this site to be totally offensive, totally hysterical and totally punny. I cannot say for sure what it actually looks like because I am in the library and I get the impression that the jacktard of a strawberry-blonde haired douchebag sitting near me might not like to see the Ghostbusters ghost with an oversized anus (Yeah, I looked at the first one. So sue me. (Ha. Lawyer joke. Ha. Not funny.)). Or maybe he would like to see some Ghostbusters anal... that might just make sense, maybe that's what his popped collar is all about...
Oh man, I hate people.
The original MILFs (I hate that term...)
My Mom, the Style Icon.
Not mine personally, but I have some photos I could send in. Most of these moms are absolutely beautiful, and all of them are superiorly retro. Sassytime.
Oct 27, 2009
Your little boy is a little homo?
Afraid to take him out dressed like the fairy that he is? Well The Onion has some sensible Halloween costumes for your effeminate little man. Enjoy.
You have sexually transmitted crazy mouth. Dealbreaker.
Also, isn't this what Liz Lemon's latest tome is about?
Yay for people doing good things!
William and Mary's homecoming queen this year is a trannie. Fuck yes. And the homecoming king is a super religious kid who loves Jessee the trannie (dear parents, fucking with names is dumb.) and is pysched to be walking down the aisle with her (ahem, zir. My mistake). According to one of the comments that I can't seem to find again...
If you want to be either entertained or disgusted (or both!) read the comments. If you would prefer to just be excited for the conservative South then stick with the article.
For the love of Facebook
This was my advertisement this morning:
Normally I hate Halloween...
Oct 25, 2009
Oct 24, 2009
Have you annoyed your cubemates today?
I might have been searching the world wide web for Golden Girls sound bytes. I might have stumbled across this gem while doing so. And I might have listened to all of them. Repeatedly. You might want to do the same.
I might have become personally attached to the one from 2002-12-03 (fucking foreigners and their fucked up dates). I might listen to it regularly in order to scare my dog. But that would just be cruel, now wouldn't it?
Here's the homepage for a more diverse array of annoying clips.
Theme of the day? Foreign Sexytime!
(NSFW. You should just assume that from now on. No more warnings, kids. Don't make me turn this blog around and go home.)
The Sneeze
A) an amazingly funny account of being a nerd and a dad to nerdy, weird children.
Evidence: ; ; ;
B) an amazingly funny account of being a nerd and a child of a nerdy, weird dad.
C) an amazingly funny account of being a nerd
And in mildy unrelated news, watch this:
Oct 2, 2009
Sep 13, 2009
Sep 11, 2009
Tissues. Now.
Things I have learned:
a. There are Mennonite groups in Bolivia (wtf?!)
b. Over 300 women (of the 2,000 members. total.) have been systematically raped
c. By other Mennonites.
d. Who only got caught because they arrived late to work in the fields and the elders got pissed.
It is interesting to contrast this pacifist, and generally peaceful (I assume), group whose targeted rapes are just now coming to light, with the documented "war-strategy" rapes in the Congo or Rwanda or Yugoslavia. For some (probably ignorant and elitist/racist/classist/etc.) reason the quiet nature of this community contrasting with the violence and violation of rape make this so much more shocking. It should not be. But it is.
Sep 4, 2009
And in even more related news...
Not sure if I've posted this yet, but Horrible Tattoos is pretty amazing.
Here, my friends, is the elusive Modesty Chair on permanent display.
Trainwreck Alert!!
It's Lovely! I'll Take It!
I cannot stop looking at this site. A whole (huge) blog dedicated to horrible, gross, pitiful, and just weird REAL real estate listings. The photos are often rather shocking. And for some reason the author is obsessed with white stackable plastic lawn chairs. Just keep an eye out for them.
The modesty chair (and its immodest counterparts) is like the Where's Waldo for the real estate community. Like trying to explain the concept of Slaughterhouse Five, it only makes sense if you read it...
I'm baaack
I'm procrastinating. And tired. And therefore I have spent hours on the interwebs finding all kinds of goodies. Enjoy, fuckers!
Aug 20, 2009
From Engrish Funny
What are you getting? I'm having a hard time ordering... Hmm... Jork? Maybe. What about Prawns to the Pill Pill? Oh, you've had better, nevermind. OH.MY.GOD. they have You Inhabit Child's Overall With Ham??!?!? That's my FAVORITE. (Do you think it's on Weight Watchers? Probably not, the ham is really fatty.... Buuut, it is child's overalls, not full size overalls. Oh, it's Osh Kosh B'Gosh overalls? Sold!) Well, I know what I'm getting. And a Diet Coke.
Aug 19, 2009
Probably Bad News
Probably Bad News... a whole website of incompatible (or perhaps well matched) news stories.
For more info, there is a downloadable video. I can only imagine it is in a similar genre to Saw VI.
Mugly rules!
Two opposing opinions on healthcare reform
Barney Frank does not like Hitler:
Some lady does like Hitler:
The end.
Aug 18, 2009
Fuck you, you fuckity fuck-fuck!

I found this when I was fucking bored:
And then I decided to read the fucking article. And then there were the comments. Semantics dorks in all intellectual sincerity using the word fuck as much as possible. Fucking genius!
Here's some more info on swearing-- apparently it's good for you!
On a similar note, I vote to bring back the use of the word "dickweed" in everyday slang. Who's with me here?
I just want to hug them once. Just once. That's all I'm asking. Maybe have Michelle let me put my head on her shoulder for a bit. Air kisses?
Have I told you about my friend Sasha? She is awesome. She has cute clothes and a great smile and so far I love her parents.
Do you think the Obamas would consider putting her up for an open adoption? I would be happy to let them have supervised, long-term visits that include me going on vacation with them...
Old School LOLcats
Aug 17, 2009
Pot Psychology covers turtle orgasms (and Golden Girls!)
At approximately 5 minutes and 40 seconds Richard and Tracie venture into some seriously sexy territory: Blanche Marie Elizabeth Hollingsworth Devereaux followed by turtle humps shoe. Enjoy!
"How Should I Celebrate The Birthday Of Someone I'm Casually Dating?" from Pot Psychology on Vimeo.
Aug 16, 2009
I am not kidding.
I have never, ever laughed this much in my entire life. Start on the last page to truly appreciate the beauty. Gary's control of the English language here is stunning, his creativity truly unparalled and his passion is certainly something to be admired. Please do give Gary the time he truly deserves, you bipolar, fockin conts.
Aug 12, 2009
I should send in some pics...
Photo Cliches has certainly caught on to something. I like any site that is sorted by category (note: mine is not. guess my feelings on that.)
It's been a while
I realize that. I will do my best to post things as I find them. But no longer sitting at a desk all day, where the only exercise I get is a few accidental kegel crunches, is crushing my blogging abilities. Also, I appear to have separated myself from the internet for a bit. Only because I have Minesweeper on my iphone and I am addicted.
Anyway, I'm back for a bit, and then I am not promising much from law school. But check back now and again and hopefully I will have some gems to share. Now don't cry little one, it will be alright, I promise...
Jul 31, 2009
I'm struggling to understand whether I like this or not. Mostly I just like the caption.
I fucking hate Internet Explorer 8. Hate it. It will not let me copy photo URLs and therefore it is not pleasant trying to get a picture on this damn post. Fuck 'em!
Here's the stupid link. Don't be lazy, just look at it. It's one of the best yet.
Awkward Family Photos
Listen up!
The latest war?
What does this mean for the world?
What can you do about it?
Copy, cut, and distrubute these in order to fight the propoganda. Remember the Madonna!
John Moe's Pop Song Correspondences
Oh god. Not sure if I posted these yet, but they are certainly worth a read.
Attention Mr. Axl Rose: We did not feel welcome in the jungle.
A letter to Elton John from the office of the NASA Administrator
Marvin Gaye explains what he heard through the grapevine
And more!
Jul 30, 2009
Jul 27, 2009
Awful Library Books
Happy times. Funny crap found on library shelves. Hysterical. I personally appreciate the snake book the best. Read up, kids!
Jul 24, 2009
Jul 23, 2009
Bent Objects
This is really fun. His creations are a witty combination of bent wire and household objects. Behold, the artist's dog Frank being housebroken:
Also this:
And many, many more...

Just so you know
Hi folks,
It is nearly my last day of work so I will be clearing out all the bizarro bookmarks I have collected over my time here. This may be a day filled with lists of sites, or it may just mean I spend time posting things. You know as much as I do.
In the meantime, enjoy this:
Jul 22, 2009
Jul 21, 2009
Music Reviews
Music reviews from old people. Let's look at Flo Rida and Gemini Wolf.
New gem
Thank you Matt for introducing me to this site. It's from tumblr. I really really do not understand tumblr and twitter and other things that start with t...
Taken verbatim from the site:
Yesterday while seeing some of the Siren Festival at Coney Island, we detoured to Beer Island for some drinks. At the table right next to us, this couple was having the most intense fight for the entire hour and a half we were there. Meanwhile, this kind of crazy older lady comes in and starts busting all these dance moves (sometimes scandalously involving younger male patrons). Jeff caught this amazing little clip of both things happening. Just to be clear on the context, this is not a little isolated moment… these two things were both happening next to each other for a LONG TIME. Beer Island = awesome.There’s not a lot to add to this. Please watch. Amazing.
Thank you, internet, for letting us all share in this amazing surreal adventure
What would we do without her?
Sarah Palin, you are a lovely, lovely lady. Your huntin' and fishin' skills rival no other political character's. Your folksy speech makes me want to hug you and place you in a rocking chair and rock you into outer space. Your love of nature begs me to drop you on an iceberg and see how you adapt.
Thanks for everything!
P.S. Sarah, Russia is calling, and it is asking you to get curtains so it does not have to see you and your frisky husband making more stupid named babies.
P.P.S. Also, hire a better speech writer. Thanks!
That link is mostly just a visual masterpiece. As is this:
Jul 20, 2009
America's Poets
Remember when Bill Maher came to Smith and got yelled off the stage. That was funny. Here he is funny. So are dirty senatorial emails...
I mean, gentlemen, wouldn't this have just been easier?
Color Me Badd - I wanna sex you up
Ladies, ladies, ladies
Hello. Look, a lot of awesome funny people who are women sitting at a table, laughing. Look at that!
Bonus: Did anyone catch Mary-Louise Parker's nasty little quip about "fucking with the lights off"?
Jul 19, 2009
Feeling groovy
This was neat. Stop action. Weirdly touching, although I am confused about where the family went...
Jul 18, 2009
Bloomberg be damned.
I mean, I knew the cigarette tax in NY was high, but this is outrageous. Lesley, perhaps you should move to New Hampshire.
P.S. Oh, and Lesley, where the fuck were the fireworks this year?!
Jul 13, 2009
Jul 12, 2009
Sad Story
Jul 10, 2009
A priest and a rabbi walk into a bar...
My dad called me from the car and with serious urgency asked me to please investigate the existence of the following website: Old Jews Telling Jokes dot com.
It is real.
And they have a podcast.
Please note the fuzzy slippers.
Jul 9, 2009
Detroit's abandoned houses
Jul 7, 2009
Unclear why this exists.
Unclear how I lived without it.
I guess she's some model or something. It's nice to see that models are people who can have fun too....
I am obsessed with Betty White. Obsessed.
So is Kathy Griffin's mom. So Kathy get's everyone together at Sizzler for a grand ol' time.
Here's the intro on Jezebel:
And here's the clip. Amazing.
Jul 6, 2009
Jul 4, 2009
Jul 2, 2009
She "would have tried the patience of a saint..."
This is horrible. An article in The Guardian discussing the different reactions the law, and those charged with the honor of carrying it out, have for people who murder their abusive spouses-- the difference between the treatment of men (the judge expresses sympathy for the man and admits that the victim "would have tried the patience of a saint") versus the treatment of women (asking her why she didn't just "walk out or go upstairs"). Disgusting.
Interesting reading.
Jul 1, 2009
Jun 29, 2009
Advertising can actually be fun
Check out this Pringles banner ad. For awhile I was confused by this link and got really upset when I couldn't finish the article on Ru Paul, but I guess the whole point is the ad... It's pretty funny, but some Ru Paul news would have been nice as well.
Keep clicking on the Pringles picture.
Jun 26, 2009
Contest Time!
Dick Cheney is writing a memoir? CONTEST TIME!
Apparently the Washington Post is looking to hear what you think the first paragraph of said memoir should be. One of the Gawker commentators pretty much should win the prize outright.
Morninggloria writes:
Call me Dickmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no soul in my chest, and nothing particular to shoot in the face, I thought I would sail about a little and see the deserty, oil rich part of the world. And fucking kill the shit out of it.
Jun 25, 2009
From Liz
Awkward Family Photos
This is the latest and greatest. These kids are trendsetters!
The single most amazing thing on the internet.
Jun 24, 2009
Stupid Nail Polish Names

I have exactly one month of work left before I head into the great unknown of law school. That's super. Except that I cannot bring myself to be at all productive anymore. Five minute projects take approx 3.5 hours and anything that is not urgent is not going to get done. Period.
This is a bad attitude and since I am such a ridiculous "good girl" this whole new half-assed attitude feels totally rebellious. It's like I've gone all Elizabeth Berkley and am no longer Jessie Spano on speed, and instead am embarking on a new career as a failed semi-porn movie star who also has guest appearances on the L-Word. Sweet.
Anyway, be prepared for some serious internet distractions ahead. I have gotten so lost in the web that is world-wide that I have managed to wander onto some "bad mommy" blogs (I REALLY needed to know about raising autistic kids this morning, apparently), some drunken tirades about neighborhood crime (lock your doors, idiots), and have also discovered such a thing as a "pooper clip holder" (it's art, you're confused). Feel free to figure that one out on your own...
Also, I have learned my lesson. Do not look up "bad girl" on Google images. You end up with something like this:
It is not a pleasant thing.
Or maybe it is...
Elizabeth Berkley is that you?
Jun 23, 2009
Sex Workers Worldwide
This was an amazing post. The photos are of sex workers around the world. The captions are worth a read. (This is safe for work, by the way)
International Male, 1991
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