see more Funny Graphs
Jun 29, 2009
Advertising can actually be fun
Check out this Pringles banner ad. For awhile I was confused by this link and got really upset when I couldn't finish the article on Ru Paul, but I guess the whole point is the ad... It's pretty funny, but some Ru Paul news would have been nice as well.
Keep clicking on the Pringles picture.
Jun 26, 2009
Contest Time!
Dick Cheney is writing a memoir? CONTEST TIME!
Apparently the Washington Post is looking to hear what you think the first paragraph of said memoir should be. One of the Gawker commentators pretty much should win the prize outright.
Morninggloria writes:
Call me Dickmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no soul in my chest, and nothing particular to shoot in the face, I thought I would sail about a little and see the deserty, oil rich part of the world. And fucking kill the shit out of it.
Jun 25, 2009
From Liz
Awkward Family Photos
This is the latest and greatest. These kids are trendsetters!
The single most amazing thing on the internet.
Jun 24, 2009
Stupid Nail Polish Names

I have exactly one month of work left before I head into the great unknown of law school. That's super. Except that I cannot bring myself to be at all productive anymore. Five minute projects take approx 3.5 hours and anything that is not urgent is not going to get done. Period.
This is a bad attitude and since I am such a ridiculous "good girl" this whole new half-assed attitude feels totally rebellious. It's like I've gone all Elizabeth Berkley and am no longer Jessie Spano on speed, and instead am embarking on a new career as a failed semi-porn movie star who also has guest appearances on the L-Word. Sweet.
Anyway, be prepared for some serious internet distractions ahead. I have gotten so lost in the web that is world-wide that I have managed to wander onto some "bad mommy" blogs (I REALLY needed to know about raising autistic kids this morning, apparently), some drunken tirades about neighborhood crime (lock your doors, idiots), and have also discovered such a thing as a "pooper clip holder" (it's art, you're confused). Feel free to figure that one out on your own...
Also, I have learned my lesson. Do not look up "bad girl" on Google images. You end up with something like this:
It is not a pleasant thing.
Or maybe it is...
Elizabeth Berkley is that you?
Jun 23, 2009
Sex Workers Worldwide
This was an amazing post. The photos are of sex workers around the world. The captions are worth a read. (This is safe for work, by the way)
International Male, 1991
Jun 22, 2009
Big girls can sometimes cry.
Weird and awkward and gay-ish. Richard Simmons swears and acts even more odd than one may have suspected.
Did this man have a variety show at one point? When? And most importantly, why?
Jun 20, 2009
Dogs, Lies and Veterinarians
Drams to be the White House dog!
Jun 19, 2009
So apparently some moronic congressman equated the twittering about the Iranian elections to the twittering the Republicans did when they got pissed at Nancy Pelosi.
People did not like that.
Hilarity ensued.
An example:
mattortega RT @petehoekstra Walked out onto Constitution Ave in D.C. and was almost hit by a taxi. Reminded me of Tienanmen Square.
But wait, there's more!
Jun 18, 2009
Why do I love these so much?
Flashmobs are amazing. I think the sheer diversity of the people is what kills me. As do Hammer pants...
Jun 17, 2009
Ninja President!
He may be an asshole to the homos, but he sure would make a good exterminator.
An open letter to Joan Jett and Fake Joan Jett
Jun 16, 2009
A song a day keeps the bloggers away...
This dude posts a song he wrote every day on YouTube and this is the result. I can't promise they are all entertaining as I have only listened to Number 77, "Hey Paul Krugman," embedded here.
Jun 15, 2009
Jun 11, 2009
American Wars/Conflicts as played by foodstuffs
If you get sick of figuring out who is who, here is a cheat sheet:
Jun 10, 2009
Jun 9, 2009
My go-to for five minute breaks
Jun 4, 2009
Look what I found!
Single, conservative people, rejoice! Find yourself a good Republican lady! Find yourself that Madonna/whore you've been looking for! Want a virgin? This might just be the place!
Check it out:
I found this through this comment on Jezebel. Check out the posting too. I haven't watched the video but I feel like it might be NSFW. Just saying...
As Emily mentioned
"It's like a bad '70s sitcom. Everyone just shrugs their shoulders and says, 'Oh, China!'" Cue laugh track and then fade to commercial...
I don't quite get it
Please Tell Me You Tivo-ed This
Another reason to love Will Ferrell...
and for this:
Jun 3, 2009
Jun 2, 2009
Just to reiterate, look at how cute that chimp is two posts down. Adorable. I want to roll in the grass with it in a non-sexual nature and just enjoy being a biped with opposable thumbs and I want to hug a hot, accented, Jane Goodall dude like the baby monkeyfaces in the video.
Find me a chimp friend. And find it now.
Fug You, Spider Monkey!
I mostly just love this rant for the editor's note at the bottom.
But also because it is cranky at Kristen Stewart, and who isn't cranky at Kristen Stewart, that broody bitch?
If you do anything today...
More Literal Videos
Head Over Heels: Literal Video Version - watch more funny videos
White Wedding: Literal Video Version - watch more funny videos
Mostly from DMB, the "cupid stunt"
Jun 1, 2009
Staring at the swim team gets you killed by a gang of dancing ninja men who know how to twirl...
Genius. I don't know why they don't do a "Pop-Up Videos"-esque show of just this crap.
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