Aug 20, 2009
From Engrish Funny
What are you getting? I'm having a hard time ordering... Hmm... Jork? Maybe. What about Prawns to the Pill Pill? Oh, you've had better, nevermind. OH.MY.GOD. they have You Inhabit Child's Overall With Ham??!?!? That's my FAVORITE. (Do you think it's on Weight Watchers? Probably not, the ham is really fatty.... Buuut, it is child's overalls, not full size overalls. Oh, it's Osh Kosh B'Gosh overalls? Sold!) Well, I know what I'm getting. And a Diet Coke.
Aug 19, 2009
Probably Bad News
Probably Bad News... a whole website of incompatible (or perhaps well matched) news stories.
For more info, there is a downloadable video. I can only imagine it is in a similar genre to Saw VI.
Mugly rules!
Two opposing opinions on healthcare reform
Barney Frank does not like Hitler:
Some lady does like Hitler:
The end.
Aug 18, 2009
Fuck you, you fuckity fuck-fuck!

I found this when I was fucking bored:
And then I decided to read the fucking article. And then there were the comments. Semantics dorks in all intellectual sincerity using the word fuck as much as possible. Fucking genius!
Here's some more info on swearing-- apparently it's good for you!
On a similar note, I vote to bring back the use of the word "dickweed" in everyday slang. Who's with me here?
I just want to hug them once. Just once. That's all I'm asking. Maybe have Michelle let me put my head on her shoulder for a bit. Air kisses?
Have I told you about my friend Sasha? She is awesome. She has cute clothes and a great smile and so far I love her parents.
Do you think the Obamas would consider putting her up for an open adoption? I would be happy to let them have supervised, long-term visits that include me going on vacation with them...
Old School LOLcats
Aug 17, 2009
Pot Psychology covers turtle orgasms (and Golden Girls!)
At approximately 5 minutes and 40 seconds Richard and Tracie venture into some seriously sexy territory: Blanche Marie Elizabeth Hollingsworth Devereaux followed by turtle humps shoe. Enjoy!
"How Should I Celebrate The Birthday Of Someone I'm Casually Dating?" from Pot Psychology on Vimeo.
Aug 16, 2009
I am not kidding.
I have never, ever laughed this much in my entire life. Start on the last page to truly appreciate the beauty. Gary's control of the English language here is stunning, his creativity truly unparalled and his passion is certainly something to be admired. Please do give Gary the time he truly deserves, you bipolar, fockin conts.
Aug 12, 2009
I should send in some pics...
Photo Cliches has certainly caught on to something. I like any site that is sorted by category (note: mine is not. guess my feelings on that.)
It's been a while
I realize that. I will do my best to post things as I find them. But no longer sitting at a desk all day, where the only exercise I get is a few accidental kegel crunches, is crushing my blogging abilities. Also, I appear to have separated myself from the internet for a bit. Only because I have Minesweeper on my iphone and I am addicted.
Anyway, I'm back for a bit, and then I am not promising much from law school. But check back now and again and hopefully I will have some gems to share. Now don't cry little one, it will be alright, I promise...
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