I went to Alaska for my aunt's wedding when I was 8 or so. I spent the entire time on a mission to see a moose. I did not see one. But I saw many caribou and soon became obsessed with them. So obsessed that that October I decided that I would be a caribou for Halloween. Excellent. My mom borrowed the X-mas reindeer antlers from her office party planning committee and voila, an instant costume! All fine and good until I dragged my dorky ass to the neighbors' houses and every single one thought I was a reindeer (not sure if the jingle bells hanging off the antlers gave that away or what). That would probably be ok for other children, but not me! I would politely correct the adult every time and inform them that no, I was actually a caribou. They would nod politely and most likely make fun of me after closing the door. My caribou costume: epic fail.
Alas, all this to say, if I were an elk (NOT the same as a caribou! Remember that, people!), this is what I would end up doing:
I just laughed for five minutes thinking about you as a caribou. I bet you were adorable. Although not as cute as you would be in your Carl the Bear costume.