So, you know that whole gay marriage thing and how Prop 8 is protecting the entire world from flamboyant men and dykey women legally loving their "roommates"? And you know how if those craaazy gay people are allowed to marry they will probably try to marry dogs, cats, zebras and monkeys or something? (OMG don't do it, gay people!
Monkeys do.not.like weddings. Seriously.
They will eat your face.)
Anyway, if the homos are marrying the zoo creatures, well, I was wondering if that would be my greenlight to marry
Chuckles. Because I love them. So much. It is creepy. They are grandma candy. But I can't help it. Their name just screams fun! They are the perfect amount of gummy and sweet (just like a grandma. ha.) and it makes me happy that I unintentionally open the package from the green side every single time. Sigh. We have such a bond. It would be a shame to waste it. Dudes, all I am asking you to do is sign some fucking
petition already so that Prop 8 dissolves, the gays can marry each other and their pets in CA, and I am free to marry the candy I love. DO IT.
(I just reread "Chuckles" as Chuck, Chuck Bass. Who is probably more gay than all the chimp-loving homos of California combined.
I have proof.)
show me the dotted line.