Mar 31, 2009
This man should write a book
This Richard character is amazing. In my head I think Rich, my Pot Psychology boyfriend, is the same as this Richard, but I don't think it's true. Booo.
Anyway, here is Richard's weekly Gossip Girl recap. You don't need to know a thing about GG to get a kick out of this-- in fact there is very little to do with GG in there...
Xena: Warrior Planner
Welcome back, Kimmy. I missed you.
Here's some more art for you
This time it is more than slightly traumatizing. Also funny. Perhaps, sort of (morally?), NSFW?
Rapists, stalkers, television personalities, why not?
The BWS debate rages on (con't)
The BWS debate rages on
Presented without explanation
Mar 29, 2009
Apparently today is art day
Birthday List: Part Five
Oooh! Ooh! The 3d art dudes did more! I want to see this in real life. I am totally fascinated.
Whatever happened to the California Raisins? They were fucking awesome.
I had a VHS of them that lived at my Grandma's house in, perfectly enough, California. I would watch it every summer when I visited. I think I thought I was cultured or something as it was some sort of claymation mockumentary.
Thanks to the wonders of YouTube I found it again. Some genius broke it down into three parts and it is f-ing amazing.
Mar 28, 2009
There is a flickr group entitled "Food Porn." Spend some time on that.
Dear JEA,
I apologize for not providing you with your requested entertainment. I was in a coma for much of the day and now I am about to go drink myself into another one while eating cheese and watching a movie. Tomorrow (the Lord's day) I will be at work and will certainly be bored shitless and ready to add some more posts.
In the meantime I have this:
Love, Hannah
It's back!
Is it weird that I have a HUGE crush on gay Rich?
How Long Do I Have To Wait To Have Sex After An Abortion? from Pot Psychology on Vimeo.
How Long Do I Have To Wait To Have Sex After An Abortion? from Pot Psychology on Vimeo.
Mar 25, 2009
And I shall call you Shithead!
If you've read Freakonomics and/or taught in the South Bronx, you know this already: people name their kids some pretty ridiculous things.
My favorite in the bunch has to be the example the Freakonomics dudes use where a family named their child Shithead (pronounced Shi-thead, or something equally special).
Anyway, apparently around March Madness people get really excited about brackets. (Evidence: the meat bracket)
This one is my favorite so far. Golriz has already claimed Velvet Milkman as her name. Just keep that in mind.
You know who I love?
and that's about it, since I'm pretty sure you are the only people awesome (and stupid) enough to read this dumb blog. And if there are others of you out there feel free to make yourself known and if you would prefer that I stop talking about bra shopping you just let me know. Let's be honest I will probably completely ignore you, but feel free to let me know anyway.
In the meantime I wrote a song:
Have I blogged lately that I love you?
Have I blogged that there is no one else above you?
You fill my blog with gladness, take away all my blog's sadness.
You ease its troubles that's what you do (except when you complain because I am not posting enough because you are ruuuuude).
Mar 24, 2009
Celebrities Riding Invisible Bicycles
oh wow, this is funny. or amusing. or something like that.
OK. So some lady stole some other lady's identity so that she could get a new rack. They tracked her down because of her breast implant serial number. (HELLO?! Clearly she doesn't watch SVU...)
(BREAKING NEWS: MY SECRETARY USED THE BATHROOM ON THE 40TH FLOOR INSTEAD OF THE 41ST FLOOR. I know this because she just spoke about it with the other secretaries in a whisper resembling a sea lion bark.)
Anyway, back to the tatas. This post was interesting and turned out to be an essay about how much this woman hates her all natural DD breasts, and it reminded me why I love reading Jezebel. My only complaint: Sometimes I cry when I go into the bra store too, but I got a little angry at this chick for getting all upset about the DDs-- suck it up, bitchface, I've been there for years (and also completely unable to admit it)-- but I get what she is saying, trust me. And I am starting my post-children boob lift fund right.about.NOW. Go!
The whole reason for this post is that I thought this one comment was quote worthy, and might actually become a staple in my gmail status quotes. When someone asked in the comments why guys actually like boobs, and someone else said that her teenage boyfriend had said something creepy about it once, this was the reply:
I have found that young guys soliloquize on things like tacos, not breasts. They can get semi-incoherent when it comes to women's bodies, but tacos, well, such is the food of great poetry!
I heart tacos. And, let's be honest, boobs are pretty entertaining too...
Geography time!
Mar 23, 2009
Family Album: The Baileys
Mar 22, 2009
Once Upon a Time...
Writing in Motion
This is kind of amazing-- basically a video of someone writing an article where it tracks what they write (and delete and edit) as they go along. It is mesmerizing. I learned about it on Gawker where they rightfully called it "porn for the literary voyeur."
If it doesn't start right away, press play on top and it should start showing you the essay being written by paul graham:
horribly immature...
Last night I went to the Brinski house and we ate gumbo and red velvet cupcakes and watched Role Models. And I laughed so hard it was ridiculous. There are about six hundred and fifty five members of The State in the movie as well, which always makes my day. Also, I learned a little something about myself and realized that perhaps I would like to join a role-playing fighting league. I would like to murder elfin-like people with my foam sword and slice their arms off with my duct tape dagger. It looks like a good form of stress release.
Suck it, Reindeer Games!
I am back to being obsessed with Paul Rudd. Ever since Clueless I've been some sort of drooly tween fan and that is apparently in full effect. For instance, he can do obscenely unfunny (ok, actually pretty funny) things like this and I would STILL buy his sweaty towel to flavor my tofu, if you get my drift.
Just a reminder...
That this website exists still and is flourishing, setting off pacemakers far and wide!
I decided I should include a picture for my previous post "Dear JEA," because it was boring and lighthouses are funny. There are many lighthouse pics out there that are worthy and I started getting really picky. And then, when googling "lighthouse and storm" I came across this website of fun:
Holy shit! It's a website that sells those moving picture things I thought were so amazing as a child and I continue to think are fun as hell now. I LOVE that those photos were serious. Also, does this one say "Poor Friends" at the top of it?!

Oh good God, it doesn't say that. This is probably the tenth time I've looked at it and I just figured out that it says Pooh Friends. This person has both a moving waterfall picture AND a Winnie the Pooh shrine. I bet they run a home daycare business and also chain smoke while feeding the children Lucky Charms and generic Sunny D. (This is not coming from any daycare experiences I might have had. Nope. Not at all.) Amazing.
Also, if you are unsure of which "moving picture" you might want there are videos at the bottom of the page to help you choose. You can look at the website all you want, but keep in mind "Words cannot describe the surreal type qualities of this beautiful picturesque serene setting!"

These are things I worry about too
Salt is what keeps those pesky Jews together. Christians, or lack thereof, are struggling because of this. Trust me. This dude attests to it, so it must be true. Jesus loves the entrepreneurs.
Mar 21, 2009
I have nothing to add. This is just perfect in so many inappropriate ways.
And I wasn't even allowed to have students stand during class as a punishment...
Mar 20, 2009
Maria, Maria, MARIAAAAAA!
Holy shit. West Side Story is back on Broadway. I knew this. I did. But I continue to get excited about it approximately every time I think about it. I love West Side Story, always have. I can sing every single song and I could probably attempt every single dance (though it would look a lot like a frog attempting to do a pirouette).
Sometimes I ask Papa Gold to please attempt to get tickets to this show because I have never been more excited about anything really. And he does attempt that, because he loves me. Except, shitty balcony seats cost $185 plus fees EACH, and he certainly doesn't love me that much. If anybody on Broadway actually learned anything from their show they would know that keeping the kids off the street and in a contained space would actually solve a lot of problems. Charging that much per ticket will certainly drive me to snap my fingers obsessively and hang out in a parking garage. Officer Krupke would not approve. The fuckers are driving me into a life of crime. I'm depraved on account I'm deprived.
Anyway, here's a review. I haven't read it yet because I am lazy. But at some point in the near future I WILL see this fucking show. NYT review. Please read and report back.
Dear JEA,
While my lighthouse has stayed strong in this storm, I have been blindsided by useless, inefficient and pointless work. Again. I haven't even read Gawker or Jezebel in TWO days-- normally I am checking it every ten minutes. This poses a problem for the bloggy blog and hopefully that will be remedied today when I get rebellious and actually stop working long enough to eat lunch (because, really, is there any urgency to making binders? Who even likes binders?). Yum.
Enough whining. Here's something for your reading pleasure: Behavior Problems.
Mar 16, 2009
You may have noticed another change to the blog. Yes, that is right, I found an even uglier template to use.
This one really harks back to my childhood in a quaint seaside village known for its sea-captain's houses, its beach and its bird sanctuary. The little seaside village where everyone did blow in the driveway to the high school, went on welfare at age 19 and had extramarital affairs like nobody's business. This blog has now shifted course to really encompass the true values I hold, deep within myself, to shed light on the value of history, to emphasize the power of a simple lighthouse there to guide the ships through the passage at night and most importantly to make clear how totally fucking annoy it can be when you want to go to sleep and all you can see is the bright ass lighthouse lamp making its rounds into your window.
P.S. My Hulu clips below were getting cut off, hence the change. Andy Samberg would not have approved. I was forced to take action.
Hi Folks,
Here are some of my very favorite SNL skits/digital shorts. Hulu, I love you. Andy Samberg, I love you more.
Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals:
A Day in the Life of Natalie Portman:
The Classic-- Lazy Sunday
Oh Amazingness-- Dick in a Box
And my very favorite...
Iran So Far
Lesson learned.
This is my friend Winnie's blog. It is etiquette lessons for subway riding. I think it is hysterical. Maybe that is because I am a cranky old lady who is not against knocking tourists down in order to get onto a train. Or maybe I am just a good old fashioned New Yorker.
My Weekend
Mar 15, 2009
Shocking news! Someone at the Vatican is behaving like a caring human!
Mar 13, 2009

Dirt on your stupid baby.
I could care less about this article on Jezebel: Baby Bath Products (blah, blah, blah). Seriously. The baby is cute, fine. But the number of icky things your baby ingests, gets scrubbed with, or touches in a day is ridiculous. BABIES EAT DIRT. They like it. Who cares about a few bad things.
Moving on... The whole reason I am posting this is because I LOVE this one particular comment and it made me chuckle so I thought I would share:
saintbernadette commented on Baby Bath Products Need To Come Clean:
"This is why, when I have a baby, I'm just going to beat it against the rocks in the river to get it clean."
The end.
For Sara
You Try Explaining Bankruptcy to a Kid
via Overheard in New York, Mar 13, 2009
Six-year-old boy: Daddy, why's BurritoVille closed?
Dad: Because there aren't enough angels in heaven.
--72nd & Broadway
Overheard by: feygele
via Overheard in New York, Mar 13, 2009
Mar 12, 2009
How did I not think of this years ago?
Lessons From the Elevator: Part One
Wow. This is amazing.
As one fan says (according to Gawker), this is the future of music... Totally amazing. Give it about 30 seconds to pick up steam...
Mar 11, 2009
An inventory of my bed
my giant purse
one apple
two grapefruits
a bottle of water
give me some cigs and some beer and i'm like my very own bodega.
Nice Work
Please read this. This person is amazing and I would hire them in a second. While this person does not have laser eyes or bear-fighting abilities, they sure as hell are "impressive."
Here's a snippet. Click on it. It's funny.
Your colleagues from other competitive firms have had a great deal to say about me; therefore, I would like to share with you some of their opinions. Alston & Bird writes, "your qualifications are impressive." Remarkably, Blank Rome makes an identical assertion. McKee Nelson also express this view but do not limit its opinion to my qualifications. Rather, it considers my "credentials and qualifications" to be "impressive." Chadbourne & Parke takes a different focus, indicating that my "background is impressive."
Your face
Facebook just gave me a talking to. I innocently clicked this video someone posted and look what it had to say to me:
But here is a thought I had (it was SO Emma and Julia...):
I know that God (and California) hates the gays, so I don't have to worry about going to hell for insulting them.
At least I have that going for me...
I have a gay mom. I am allowed to call other people's families gay. That's how it works, bitches. Be as jealous as you want but until your mom skips out on your dad so she can go chow box, then you're stuck having to make nicey-nice with people's family portraits. Sucks to be you.
Family Album

Happy Mario Day!
Here's a few more things:
A scarf--
A cake or two--
I am so disturbed by this Brazilian-rape-abortion situation. THIS IS A CHILD WE ARE TALKING ABOUT! What is wrong with these fucking rigid, abusive assholes? AND THE VATICAN CONTINUES TO SUPPORT THEM!! They excommunicated the girls' family, the entire medical team that worked on her, and while they are unable to excommunicate children, I'm sure they would have if they could have. But, BUT, they did not excommunicate the rapist, the girl's stepfather who had been abusing her since she was six. Here is their reasoning:
"A graver act than (rape) is abortion, to eliminate an innocent life."
I talk about murdering people for pancakes a lot; I am lying. But I seriously think if I ever came face to face with the Archbishop of Brazil I would do anything I could to hurt him and I would do it with absolutely no guilt. Should this man ever have to experience a fraction of what that little girl went through, then I hope he realizes the power of his words.
The doctor who performed the abortion makes a good point though, and it is the only upside to this story-- he is grateful the church kicked him out and caused all this controversy because it is bringing to light Brazil's abortion laws and the medical disasters caused by them.
From Jezebel.
Mar 10, 2009
New Game!
I am so fucking bored that I have decided to go through my old gmail drafts folder and see what landed in that purgatory. I would like to share some of them with you.
For instance, this:
Draft saved Thursday, March 15, 2007
Subject: A play.
After school group. Three students and a teacher.
Ms. Gold: Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Like blue and blew. Or won and one.
All students give blank stares.
Jimmy: I have an imaginary friend named Blue.
Everyone nods.
Jimmy [jumping up and down, with absolutely no encouragement to continue]: He's blue. That's where I got his name. He looks kinda like one of the those mailbox things. Like the one down the street.
Again, blank stares.
Jimmy: And sometimes I put mail in his mouth for fun.
Blank stares.
[Annnnnd SCENE.]
This is a cute moment. Also, it is science. Take that, fuckers!
So, apparently some dude did a test in the '60s about self control and whether children had any. They put an Oreo on a plate and told the child s/he could have the one Oreo now, or s/he could have TWO Oreos later. And then the adult would leave the room and the child would be faced with the decision. Please watch this video. Please.
(The original video I had up, that corresponded with the experiment is gone. I am seriously sad. But this is another version. Only with marshmallows (and jesus!). Enjoy!)
And Radiolab does a short podcast about this and it is actually really interesting. Apparently the children who had the self control to wait ended up doing over 100 points better on their SATs and were generally better students and more successful adults.
Here, listen:
The whole time I was trying to figure out what decision I would have made at the age of 4. And I think I probably would have poked at it a bit and then sat there like a stone trying to survive the waiting time until I could devour both delicious morsels. I would do this not because I was well behaved or advanced or able to control myself, but only because I knew how rare it was to get my hands on something so illicit and processed.
I am still unsure on what I would do as an adult, but that's a whole other story...
The blog looks different. I got pissed because the old template kept cutting off my cat picture. I think I might have fixed the problem by making the blog uglier. It's worth it. NO ONE FUCKS WITH MY CAT DIAGRAM.
My cubicle buddy brought in and consumed pancakes this morning. And while I have yet to notify him, I think I might have to murder him for that inconsiderate act.
Pancakes are contagious, that is a scientific truth. Here are some other facts about pancakes.
Fact: Pancakes are deadly.
Fact: Pancakes are all I can think about right now.
Fact: Pancakes are not a serious breakfast unless they have sausage with them.
Fact: Pancakes can be eaten at different times of the day depending on local tradition.
Fact: I will risk my life for their golden goodness.
And, in case you were wondering, yes, I like waffles!
(Thanks to Leah and Jenny for their quality factoids)
Pussy Petting (yes, i realize that is a lame joke.)
Big sale at McSweeney's. I got excited and got a TON of books for 30 dollars. Just what I needed...
Mar 9, 2009
I can't help it
I love this creature. He is a curmudgeon just like me!
"Yeah, that's right, I'm an armadillo, and I'm inside your fucking bucket."
Bookshelf spying
Maybe not a deal breaker, but definitely a turn on...
Roe vs. World from Jezebel.
Seriously? The Vatican has done some fucked up things and I pretty much hate them, but really? This might top the list. This is not about abortion, this is not a woman vs. fetus situation, this is about child-rape, this is about a little girl's health, safety and existence.
The Church's opinion has nothing to do with "preserving life," as they claim, and everything to do with being stubborn, inconsiderate and downright abusive to their youngest members of whom they should be the most concerned (hello, child molesting priests!). The abortion itself was actually about "preserving life"-- the life of the mother, the life of a child.
Thankfully her family loved her enough to do the right thing for her. This girl deserves some care and concern and then she deserves to live her life without the shame of the powers-that-be in the Catholic Church on her back.
Teach ME a lesson, John Cena!
Mar 8, 2009
This video has single-handedly renewed my faith in the value of dictionaries. I thought that they were going to become obsolete very soon thanks to the internets, but apparently they are important apparatuses for smoking Smarties. Who knew?
I like how Videogum (where this came from) responded:
I'm not sure if the study that concluded that smoking Smarties "Doesn't kill you, doesn't hurt you at all" was double-blind and peer-reviewed, but I like that kid. (Don't smoke Smarties. Duh.)
Thanks, Sara for sharing this gem.
THIS is how I will be applying for my next job:
Got a bear in your backyard that keeps eating your garbage? I'll fight that motherfucker and I'll win! Can any other prospective employee say that?! FUCK NO!
What'd you say? You lost your keys? FUCK IT! I'll shoot the goddamn lock off your door with my laser eyes! That's how bad I need a motherfuckin job.
Mar 7, 2009
More Commentary
Oh. I want to talk a little more about sex and Watchmen. But mostly about sex. So there is a long, graphic sex scene in the movie (and this one does not involve a blue wang, though there is one of those as well) where two costumed characters make love [vomit] in a flying owl machine.
That is all fine and good-- latex costumes do that for some people. But here was the issue: it was in Imax. I saw a person whose ass was bigger than my car fuck another person whose orgasm face was larger than the Domino's pizza I ate in my dream last night. Great. Big sexy car asses and pizza (with free cheesy bread!) doing it to a funky version of "Hallelujah." Hot stuff. And delivered in under 30 minutes, or it's free!
Dirty Imax porn with 600 of my closest friends. I am either scarred or feeling pretty damn good about this. It is hard to tell...
Today I left work early. It is Saturday. I am probably being held hostage. A good kind of hostage that feeds me, pays me and does not attach electrodes to my genitals even if i might want that kind of thing. Anyway, my point is that I escaped long enough to walk around a bit in the nice weather, shovel some Pinkberry into my mouth at an embarrassing speed and also to go see Watchmen.
The major thing I was left with after seeing this movie was this:
Wow. It flopped around on a giant blue man who stole Michael Jackson's baby voice and who had his very own electroded BIG BLUE PENIS because he was a super-dude who got eaten alive by electricity or something and now zapped his way into his girlfriend's vaginal department. And it freaked the fuck out of me.
The end.
Mar 5, 2009
Brain Noise
I am obsessed with the sounds of neurons firing. Seriously. I think it is amazing. Radiolab keeps teasing me with more and more clips of it. This is the one I listened to today:
And it's freaking awesome. Mostly because hardcore scientists are using Tetris and Alpine Racer to learn about dreams. See Mom, Dad was right-- Tetris really is educational!
Mar 4, 2009
This is a former students' Facebook status right now:
Lamar: --it's official. the internet can go to hell.
So yeah, this is a kid in college who seems socially conscious and a generally nice. It's refreshing. I worked with some pretty amazing kids.
My jaw dropped when I saw the ad. It should never, ever be funny. But I'm not going to lie, at some point it probably will be. I don't know how I feel about that...
Family Portrait
Everything that is going on here is a little creepy. (Is that a fucking wine spritzer on the table?!?!) Let's analyze in a clockwise fashion: 1. The Mom: Her name is Sandra (a.k.a. Sandy, Sugar Tits and/or Dee-Dee). She knows that even if her husband has gained 15 pounds, no longer appreciates her body, and has a thing for fetish porn, she is still hot and even if she is going to wear this stupid khaki skirt her mother-in-law bought her she is still going to rock her Sugar Tits at this dinner party and all you haters out there can go fuck yourselves. 2. The Dad: His name is Michael and he used to be an attorney until he got canned for his porn addiction (see above). Now he uses that under-appreciated creativity of his to design and build luxury doghouses that rarely sell and are also kind of ugly. He does not like pants. 3. The Grandma: Her name is Jackie. She wears a flask on her garter belt. And always dons some sort of floral print. Believes herself to be a MILF. Has always hated her daughter-in-law for ruining her son's spirit and also for refusing to buy him clothes anywhere except for the 7-Eleven. So what if he is a little "different" and has a little problem in the pants department? The least that bitch could do is get him better underwear. 4. The Child: He is most likely a boy, though even his parents are beginning to wonder. His name is Charlie and he likes humping his stuffed monkey when his parents aren't watching. His mother had an affair with Sammy Hagar in 1999, and though she is not sure, secretly believes Charlie to be next in line for the Van Halen legacy. He will grow up to write cryptic fan fiction, get arrested for beating up the Naked Cowboy, and become a manager at the Olive Garden at the unusually young age of 20. His breasts will grow to be even more well known than his mother's, coincidentally earning him the name Sugar Tits Jr.. He can fit two Twinkies in his mouth at one time. As his grandma reminds him, this will certainly come in handy later in life.
I stole this photo from my new favorite website, Picture is Unrelated The commentary is (frighteningly) completely my doing. It's been a long day...
I stole this photo from my new favorite website, Picture is Unrelated The commentary is (frighteningly) completely my doing. It's been a long day...
Things I hate, Part 1
-The phrase "screw the pooch." DISGUSTING.
- Underarm sweat. Is that really necessary?
-Also, my job. That is why my blog is lame lately. I apologize. I will fix that later this evening, or perhaps I should say early tomorrow morning. Because ladies and gentlemen, it is going to be one late night. Getting drinks when you should be working late on Tuesday night makes Wednesday not a happy day. Lesson learned.
Mar 3, 2009
We Can Honestly Say You'll Be the Coolest Tort-Themed Bicycle Gang in New York
Female law student: We're going to start a bicycle gang called The Tortuous Tigers. Male law student: Yeah, we can ride all over Brooklyn wreaking havoc and intentional torts! --Joralemon & Court, Brooklyn
via Overheard in New York, Mar 3, 2009Mar 2, 2009
Big Mac, Filet O'Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries...
Thank God for Laser Removal...

Thirty three years old and LOVING it!

Mar 1, 2009
Oh Good God
Umm, there is currently an acid reflux drug commercial on tv and the medicine is called AxipHex. Great. Except, that the commercial people keep calling it "ass-a-phex." It is freaking me out.
I would not take a medication called Ass Effects. There is already something similar to that, no? Doesn't it also go by the name Alli?
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