I had this weekend off. It was lovely. I did pretty much nothing except sleep, catch up on good (crappy) tv, drink and eat a lot.
Let's make some lists.
Things I watched on the television screen:
-Tool Academy Reunion
-Lots of Big Love (if you are not watching this show then you are an idiot, plain and simple)
-Blindness (I was incredibly surprised at how well they did adapting this amazing book)
-The United States of Tara (yay for teenage gaydom!)
-Some dumbass boring whale documentary
Things I ingested that continue to contribute to my food baby:
- Curry
- Chocolate milkshakes. Plural.
- Frozen Zombies. Plural.
- Cornedbeefhashandeggs
- Risotto from heaven.
Things I wish I was eating right now:
-See above list.
I wish I was home in bed right now instead of sitting on my rolly chair with my newly disabled geriatric hip coming up with funny love children last names (i.e. if Blake Miller and I had a love child, then it would Miller Gold.) This is a fun game when you are bored and so is your cubicle buddy. He is not eating pancakes. That is sort of sad, as at least plotting his murder would give me SOMETHING to do right now before the deluge of work that will be arriving in approximately 41 minutes and counting...
please have a child named Miller Gold. I will call it "The Highlife" for short.