Jun 24, 2009


I have exactly one month of work left before I head into the great unknown of law school. That's super. Except that I cannot bring myself to be at all productive anymore. Five minute projects take approx 3.5 hours and anything that is not urgent is not going to get done. Period. This is a bad attitude and since I am such a ridiculous "good girl" this whole new half-assed attitude feels totally rebellious. It's like I've gone all Elizabeth Berkley and am no longer Jessie Spano on speed, and instead am embarking on a new career as a failed semi-porn movie star who also has guest appearances on the L-Word. Sweet. Anyway, be prepared for some serious internet distractions ahead. I have gotten so lost in the web that is world-wide that I have managed to wander onto some "bad mommy" blogs (I REALLY needed to know about raising autistic kids this morning, apparently), some drunken tirades about neighborhood crime (lock your doors, idiots), and have also discovered such a thing as a "pooper clip holder" (it's art, you're confused). Feel free to figure that one out on your own... Also, I have learned my lesson. Do not look up "bad girl" on Google images. You end up with something like this: It is not a pleasant thing. Or maybe it is... Elizabeth Berkley is that you?

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